JMB Communications Capabilities
Corporate, Financial, and Product PR • Marketing Collateral • Web Content Creation • Complete Websites • Website Conversions • White Papers • Customer Testimonials • Technical and Corporate Backgrounders • Trade Magazine Articles
• Social Media • Taglines
• Product Naming • Microsoft ®PowerPoint Presentations • Advertising • Direct Marketing Programs & Direct Mail Lead Generation • Point-of-Purchase Materials • Product / Business Launches & Business Plans • Copyediting
• Book Editing / Writing • Agency Subcontracting (Advertising, Marketing, PR, and Direct Response) • Business Glossaries
• Technical Marketing Materials • Graphic Design
• Print Production • Search Engine Optimization
• Backend Web Development •
Web Hosting • Publicity • Videography • Speechwriting • and much more!
Whether you're looking for seasoned, effective marketing writing, PR writing, or web content creation / website design for your technology or non-technology business, Massachusetts-based JMB Communications delivers -- on time, on budget, and on target.
Among JMB's principal capabilities:
Corporate, Financial, and Product PR / Investor Relations:
We conduct interviews for and write customer case studies/testimonials, customer newsletters, news releases, press kits, white papers, corporate overviews, product and technology backgrounders, product and company launches, analyst presentations, product-, service-, people-, or technology-related trade magazine articles, and annual and quarterly reports. We can help you prepare press conferences, press tours, nondisclosure presentations, and both special projects and special events. We routinely work under NDAs.
Old-Fashioned Publicity:
If you have an event, open house, new capability, or anything else and you need simple, straight
publicity --
we have the experience and savvy to do it effectively for you, no matter who your audience is. We leverage the capabilities of seasoned publicity maven Mark Berger to make it happen.
Web Content Creation & Website Design:
We research and write content related to products, services, technology, people, customers, investors -- in short, anything that will make your site resonate with your audiences. We also develop the strategic plan for your website including marketing, design, and site promotion through meta tags, reciprocal links, search engine submissions / SEO, and other means. See Electronic Commerce, below. For much more, see our www.websitesthatworkusa.com.
Marketing Collateral:
We plan and write the entire spectrum of marketing, PR, and marketing-oriented technical materials, including complete hierarchies of marketing brochures, capabilities overviews, data sheets, flyers, FAQ, pocket folders, newsletters, customer testimonials/case studies, white papers, slide/multimedia programs, videos, CD-ROMs/DVDs, technical product guides, glossaries, RFP response boilerplates, etc. Whether print or pixel, we evolve your communications from concept to reality. We collaborate with seasoned partners to do quality graphic design, development, and production.
Trade Magazine Writing:
We research and write articles regarding technology, finance, hospitality, manufacturing, and other B2B and B2C-related topics. We’ll write to the depth and length you specify. We also can execute or supervise illustrations and photography -- and we can usually turn around urgently required pieces to your precise copy deadlines.
Sales Communications:
Over the years, we've created a broad spectrum of materials designed to prepare sales professionals to sell new products or to sell mature products more effectively. We can help you strategize materials that prepare your sales force to sell new products; to survey the competitive landscape; to provide product comparisons; to counter objections, and much more. As with other projects, we routinely work under nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) for Sales Communications.
Print, Radio, and Web Advertising:
Working closely with Fortune 500 and other clients has given us a unique perspective on creating enlightened advertising that grabs and holds prospects and clients and that isn't soon forgotten. For far lower fees than traditional ad agencies, we create bottom-line impact for your business. We start by quickly learning the needs and wants of your key customers. Then we help refine your messaging and determine the most effective way to communicate with key audiences including current and potential employees, shareholders, regulators, your community, target buyers, and / or others -- on time and on budget. Put our wide-ranging skills to work, and you get advertising that compares head-to-head with that produced by top agencies. (We also do agency subcontracting...) Our ads are frequently more innovative, they are often more effective, and they always cost less. Placements are billed directly to clients, saving you the traditional 15% agency commission.
Direct Marketing Programs / Direct Mail Lead Generation:
Collaborating with GHW Associates, recognized Direct Marketing / Direct Mail lead generation experts, we help you develop winning direct marketing strategies, create the materials, scientifically assemble an optimal list, and oversee the program from launch through follow-up. Our work with GHW spans three decades -- after 30 years, GHW truly knows what works. Working hand-in-glove with them, we can deliver measurable, sustainable results.
Agency Subcontracting:
We write for PR, marketing, Web marketing, direct response, and advertising agencies, working for their important clients worldwide as a client-transparent part of the agency team.
Complete Magazines:
We develop themes, plan content, design, and production, supervise photography, conduct in-depth interviews with featured individuals/companies, and research and write material of any length or orientation on virtually any topic (technology / finance / manufacturing / travel / business / etc.). We work closely with graphic designers, photographers, literary agents, and printers to ensure top-notch presentation, design and production. We produce traditional print magazines, "Webzines," video magazines, and more.
Microsoft PowerPoint® Presentations:
Whether you're preparing a presentation for customers, stockholders, analysts, prospects, employees, trade show attendees, venture capitalists, or any other audience, we'll work with you to give you the kind of informative, graphically impactful presentation you require. You get a seasoned team -- a highly experienced writer and an expert PowerPoint designer – at reasonable pricing.
Social Media:
We create landing pages, campaigns, ongoing customer interaction, and whatever else you need to tie into current promotional efforts in key markets. You set the objectives; we work with you to develop, launch, and maintain social media programs and positive customer interactions.
Product Naming / Taglines / Company Slogans:
We develop meaningful, memorable product names for some of the world's best known companies. At in-person meetings or in conference calls or via Skype, we quickly learn the demographics of your products’ target markets, product features and benefits, and what differentiates your products / services from competition. Soon, you have a memorable name (or family of names) and, if you wish, the collateral, PR, advertising, web presence, and related promotion necessary to bring your product to market successfully. We use our crystallized understanding of your products and markets to create taglines / company slogans that are dead-on, unambiguous, and both effective and decidedly not pricey.
Whether it’s books, legal documents, training materials (including manuals), technical marketing data, speeches, scientific papers, technical glossaries, or anything else, we’ll work with you to help ensure conciseness, accuracy, consistency, deadline performance – and above all else, intelligibility. Everything we do maintains a strong orientation to target audiences and bottom-line effectiveness.
Product Launches:
Drawing on our more than 30 years of experience in worldwide, multilingual product launches for technology and other products, we help client companies position products, contact key editors, and develop convincing product demos. We also develop plans for new business launches including IPO-related PR. We can do all your launch communications -- news releases, product and market backgrounders, core business launch announcements, technology white papers, executive biographies, mission statements, analyst and customer quotes, speeches, and more. Perhaps most important, we can polish your business plan to make it work optimally with all your key audiences. Of course, we also do PowerPoint® presentations, frequently used with business plan-related pitches for VC funding, trade show presentations, etc.
Political Literature:
JMB works with candidates to develop brochures, newsletters, advertising, position papers, websites / web content, press interaction, voter forums, and other means of communicating key messages.
Executive Speeches:
We work with your key executives to develop speeches, either standalone or accompanied by graphics or hand-outs. Our focus is on your audience’s needs, wants, and expectations, which helps ensure audience interest and with it, the achievement of your key objectives. We learn your speaker's speech patterns and difficulties by reviewing audio of past speeches (if available), and we assist with rehearsals. We can usually respond quickly to requirements for trade show or industry group speech opportunities -- and we can even help you become aware of speaking opportunities. (See Conferences and Trade Shows, below.)
Communications Planning:
We work with you to develop strategic corporate and marketing communications / PR / web plans covering total product lifecycles and the full range of corporate / marketing initiatives.
Color Graphics Opt-in Electronic Newsletters (HTML email):
For a fraction of the cost of print, you can distribute newsletters, product bulletins, safety updates, upgrade notices, and other news of importance to all your global opt-in audiences in just days through attractive, effective color HTML-based email OR fast-loading e-zines. In addition to planning, researching, writing content, and supervising photography, we can create effective, fast-loading color graphics for your business' electronic communications -- graphics that work on all devices. Once templates are completed, newsletters can be written quickly and published on your schedule after copy is approved. Urgent materials can usually be turned around just about as fast as you need them.
Because new products are emerging and changing at a dizzying pace, companies often lose sight of the fact that not everyone knows what all this stuff is. Glossaries help customers, shareholders, prospects, regulators, partners, and others better understand what’s up. We work with you to determine terms to be included. We gather existing definitions from your people and work with in-house experts or others to create definitions for undefined terms. We can also help you manage approvals.
E-Commerce / Shopping Carts:
We work with you to create effective, realistic e-commerce strategies, then we utilize appropriate programming talent to bring you an e-commerce website that's alive, effective, and productive. Our end-to-end solutions include everything you need. The cost today is orders of magnitude LESS than a few years ago, and the user interface is easy to navigate -- even for computer novices.
Sales Aids:
We gather and disseminate competitive information. We develop FAQs for websites, sales, direct marketing, advertising, and related uses. We interview customers, vendors, employees, and others to develop feature stories for sales-related promotional materials including customer testimonials and other communications.
Internal Communications:
We design and implement employee newsletters, employee manuals, benefits summaries, executive summaries, new technology implementation communications, and a variety of internal instructional materials.
Corporate Identity/Graphics Standards:
Working with seasoned designers, we design and develop corporate logos and soup-to-nuts graphics standards programs. We then help you implement your graphics standards by creating and producing the supporting documentation.
Conferences & Trade Shows:
We develop and execute trade show and conference themes, produce supporting graphics, help with booth planning, and can even train your employees in booth etiquette, ensuring employee focus is clearly on customers and prospects and that the potential of your booth is realized on the show floor. We can develop special show promotions including giveaways (premiums/ incentives). We also design, write, and produce conference / show materials, including speeches, slides/video, PC screensavers, brochures, and other hand-outs / collateral. We can organize post-show lead fulfillment and track lead follow-up as well.
As a virtual agency, JMB Communications can produce graphics for corporate literature, logos, promotional displays, and any other business requirement. Once you select optimal graphics, we can execute them for immediate use in any application. We supply complete graphic design services.
Special Projects:
Tell us what you want to accomplish, and we'll work with you to make it happen -- from concept to reality.